Find The Focus Area That Will Push Your Playing Abilities

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When it comes to advanced piano lessons, there are two main focus areas: jazz and classical. Both styles have their own distinctiveness and require different approaches.  Classical piano is all about technique and developing a solid foundation of advanced skills. It emphasizes proper posture, hand positioning, and finger placement.  Jazz piano is more about creativity and self-expression. The goal is to improvise and play around with the chords and melodies. There’s more room for personal interpretation and embellishment.…

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4 Fundamentals For Playing Drums

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Have you decided that you want to learn how to play drums? If so, know that there are some basic things that you need to learn during your first lessons. Here is what you need to know about the fundamentals. Holding The Sticks The trick to playing drums is knowing how to hold the drumsticks. Playing drums is not about hitting them as hard as you can, since it involves holding the sticks in a way that gives you the most rebound so that you use the least amount of energy to play.…

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4 Things You Should Know About Piano Tuning

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Pianos are beautiful, classical instruments that can be used to play everything from romantic etudes to modern jazz. Accomplished musicians and beginners alike can enjoy playing the piano, but like other instruments, pianos sound best when they are in tune. Pianos can be difficult to tune without proper training, so it’s usually best to have a professional tune your piano. Here are four things you should know about piano tuning:…

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